
Monday, February 17, 2014

Review: Darkness and Light - Elle Casey

Darkness and Light
Elle Casey
Series: War of the Fae, #3
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Paranormal
Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars
Word Rating: Oh Gods, Hilarious
On Goodreads

Awesome. Generally, well done, Elle Casey. The best parts of the past two novels were been amped to new heights.

The drama flew through the roof. Jayne's powers are growing and the demand on her is insane. What I really loved about Call to Arms was the intricacy of the plot and how issues were placed against issues and desires were placed against desires to create a world that did not adhere to a strict and typical diet of 'paranormal young adult fantasy'. Jayne is still cracking jokes, is still cursing, is still making stupid decisions, is still relateable, still has ulterior motives, still is Jayne. The drama does change her of course, but she only becomes more erratic. As a reactive rather than passive character, Jayne must have these changes but her foundation is still there. I like that. The development is strong (especially when Jayne starts to develop and nourish her disinclination for the War and the Fae, which had been growing in Call to Arms).

Tony, Tony, Tony.
"But if I had to choose between them and Tony? It would be Tony every day of the week and twice on Sunday."
But the development isn't just strong with Jayne. The more cruel characters of this book (plot twists . . . so no names, sorry!) have been fleshed out, too. We know their motives and can sympathize.

Also, Ben? His 'kill you, love you' attitude was . . . weird in a cool way. He was mental, seriously mental. I thought he was a cool little shout out to the physical craziness that inhabits the Fae world.

Also the situations with Tim have become exponentially funnier. I needn't explain this, go see for yourself! Anytime Jayne and Tim were in the room

I like to think I looked like Tom Hiddleston when I laughed during this book (which was every page):

Unfortunately, the love triangle just has to develop. I had loved this quality in the past two books: relationships were hinted not just for the sake of the plot line of building characters but because in stressful situations a cocktail of hormones necessitated it. So I was thankful that insta-love culture and love triangles were, for the most part, not central to the text. Thankfully, Darkness and Light tamps the potential of the love interest influence down with Jayne's decisions and the fact that people are in constant danger of dying . . . or worse. Still, having the love triangle at all leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, because while I like the fact that Jayne is off with Spike, showing the realistic way some people act, I want Chase to 'get the girl'. He deserves to 'get the girl'. For fricks sake, he got himself cursed for her. He could have died. Twice. What did Spike do? Well, he kissed her a bunch of times. He was hot. Let's not talk about, you know, getting all incubus on her. And I shouldn't have to want Chase to 'win' because people are not objects, relationships do not develop solely on who deserves whom. And, Dear Agony, because I'm so tired of love triangles.

Also, a bit heavy on the fart jokes.

Another slight complaint I have is this: fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me three times and it's a frowny face. This one: :(. The abrupt ending of the first book didn't bother me at all (I had Call to Arms ready and waiting). The abrupt ending raised my eyebrow but it was cliff-hangery enough to let it off the hook. However this just sort of ends . . . mid-scene. Come on!

Overall, though, more than four stars. Can't wait to get to Book # 4! Let's do this!

- Marlon

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