
Thursday, January 1, 2015

We're Back!

Hello, lovely readers! As you may have noticed, the bloggers of We Live and Breathe Books kind of disappeared for a while. Between Noor writing papers non-stop, Amrutha adjusting to her first semester of college, Marlon adjusting to going to school in New York City (he spent last year abroad in London), and myself designing costumes for three shows this semester, we found ourselves overcome with stress and taking an unexpected hiatus from blogging.

As a resolution for next semester, we are determined to get back into blogging! Even though we were busy with school work, we all felt like there was something missing - blogging. We really enjoy what we do here and we decided to make some changes to what we tell ourselves we must do for the blog so that we can be more committed to it.

The biggest change around her is that we are setting our goals for full reviews lower. Reading and reviewing a book a week for each of us was way too ambitious for us on top of our work load. We know other bloggers manage it but for us, it just doesn't work out. Instead, we're aiming for one or two reviews each per month. This way, we'll still be able to share our thoughts on what we're reading without stressing ourselves out about it. Blogging is a fun outlet for us and if we make all these demands for what we have to do, it starts to feel like a job.

To compensate for less reviews, we've decided to start doing Life of a Blogger (hosted by Novel Heartbeat) and Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by The Broke and the Bookish). For these memes, all four of us will write a portion of the post in an effort to stay connected to blogging when we don't have time to read. Life of a Blogger will be about non-bookish things while Top Ten Tuesday is usually bookish. In addition to these, we will continue to post Stuffed Animal Saturday (our original meme) and Waiting on Wednesday (hosted by Breaking the Spine) posts on alternating weeks.

Furthermore, we have missed our blogging community and cannot wait to jump back into it during 2015! We have some brand me bios on our "About Us" tab, so check those out too! Let us know if there are any features that you'd be interested in us doing. Happy reading! :)

- Kiersten

1 comment:

  1. Everybody has to find a blog schedule that fits them. Some of us have more time on our hands, some of us do not. I hope 2015 turns out to be what you want it to be. :) Good luck and happy new year!
